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Dear Colleagues and Friends,


It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to the 2023 annual scientific meeting of the Taiwan Oncoplastic Breast Society.

We are happy to hold this meeting in person with our overseas speakers traveling from Japan, Hong Kong, and Korea and a Virtual meeting with experts from the UK.


Breast cancer treatment has rapidly advanced, improving the survival rate. In Asia, younger patients prioritize breast appearance after surgery. Adopting oncoplastic techniques is crucial, challenging the surgeon's role. Asian women have smaller, denser breasts, which indicates that the breast surgeon should modify or create suitable oncoplastic methods for Asia patients.


This annual meeting aims to improve our surgical techniques, restore the patient's image, and make Asia consensus of Minimum Access Breast Surgery.



Dr. Fiona Cheng Tsui-Fen

Chairman, Taiwan Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Society

25-26 November 2023

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